Manthan Award 2012


e-Agriculture : 05 Click here for more details
  • Soil based plant nutrient management information system for Kerala
  • e-Velanmai
  • Nokia Life
  • Engaging Farmers, Enriching Knowledge – Agropedia
e-Business & Enterprise : 06 Click here for more details
  • Rural ERP
  • Paywast
  • None
e-Community Broadcasting :05 Click here for more details
  • 90.4 MHz Henvalvani Community Radio
  • Voice of Gurgaon Community Radio Station
  • Salute to Second Innings
  • Community Radio Mattoli (90.4 FM)
  • Jayasri Radio
e-Culture & Heritage :03 Click here for more details
  • Amader Kishorgonj
  • The Interactive Museum
e-Education & Learning :02 Click here for more details
  • NIOS Online
  • CLT e-Patashale
  • None
e-Environment :01 Click here for more details
  • BijliBachao
  • None
e-Financial Inclusion & Livelihood :05 Click here for more details
  • Inclusive Growth with Financial Inclusion and Livelihood
  • Rural Shores Business Services
  • Naukri SMS
  • Oxigen Services(P)Ltd
  • Saral Rozgar
  • IVRS Aadharit Dainik Anushravan Pradali
  • Online Assessment Examinations for Patwari Recruitments
  • ICTA Mobile Portal
  • e-Governance Portal for Animal Husbandry Dept. Jharkhand
  • PharmaSecure Verify My Medicine Service
  • Health Help Center – ICT Healthcare Helpline and EMS
  • MeghSushrut (Health Management Information System – Cloud Version)
  • None
  • Craft of Gujarat: Website for Industrial Extension Cottage
  • Holistic Model for Employment of Persons With Disability
  • None
e-Infrastructure :03 Click here for more details
  • OneBeep
  • BASIX Convenience Outlets
  • eGovernance Service Delivery Gateway (NSDG)
  • None
e-Localisation : 02 Click here for more details
  • Multi-Lingual Platform for Digital Devices & Applications
e-New’s & Media :04 Click here for more details
  • Chai with Lakshmi
  • Rural Visual Journalism Network
  • Barta Vubon
e-Science & Technology :02 Click here for more details
  • None
  • Science Website in Bengali Language
e-Travel & Tourism :04 Click here for more details
  • All Events in City
  • Roads LessTravelled
  • None


e-Agriculture: 01 Click here for more details
  • Nandi
e-Business & Enterprise :02 Click here for more details
  • Tripura Bamboo and Cane Development Centre (TRIBAC)
  • Improving Livelihoods of Rural Farmers through ICT and eServices Integrated MFIs
e-Culture & Heritage :01 Click here for more details
e-Education & Learning : 02 Click here for more details
  • Web Patashala
e-Financial & Livelihood :02 Click here for more details
  • Beam Money Private Limited
  • Banking services at the doorstep of rural communities in the un-banked rural area of North East
e-Entertainment & Games : 03 Click here for more details
  • RockeTalk
  • Vodafone Mobile Box office
  • TV Buddy
  • Angels Health Private Limited
  • Online Voting System
  • Women Entrepreneurs on theWeb (WeOW)
  • Standardisation of District Portal with Web CMS
e-News & Media : 01 Click here for more details
  • News4education, Shiksha News
e-Infrastrature : 03 Click here for more details
  • Solar Computer
  • txtWeb, Intuit
  • Aakash/Ubislate series of Low Cost Tablets
e-Science & Technology : 01 Click here for more details
  • Sation magazine
e-Localisation : 04 Click here for more details
  • Development of Text to Speech System in Indian Languages
  • Fuel
  • Development of Tools Technologies & Resources for North East Languages
e-Travel & Tourism : 04 Click here for more details
  • Official Tourism Website of Gujarat
e-Governance : 01 Click here for more details
  • RTI Nation


What do you call a journey that has been going on for 9 years, changed countless lives and is still very new and inspiring? I don’t know whether there is any such word in dictionary, but we certainly have a live example in front of us: the Manthan Awards Annual Digital Festival. There were 9 eminent speakers touched different topics in the overall framework of ICT for Development. Mr. Osama Manzar, Chairman, Manthan Award South Asia & Asia Pacific started the inaugural session by greeting the audience & presenting the aim of Digital empowerment Foundation, working for various communities to bridge the digital divide. Read More


Manthan Award 2012 witnessed the 2nd Digital Literacy & Panchayat Summit,’ organized by DEF & Intel Corporation to focus on ‘Empowering Rural Panchayat through Digital literacy Programme’. The session witnessed participants’ from Panchayats across the nation and various other dignitaries. The primary objective of the session was to share the experience of people from village councilors, panchayat members, villages, corporate houses and government. Read More


In today’s world, transparent and efficient governance has become a must for growth and development of country. Also the development of requisite infrastructure is growing day by day. The session aimed at addressing these issues with the help of ICT tools and digitization. The session was chaired by Dr. Rajendra Kumar, Joint Secretary (e-Gov) – Department of Electronics & Information Technology (Govt. of India) & Moderator was Ms. Vineeta Dixit, Principal Consultant, NeGP-DIT. Read More


This session was dedicated to the discussion of Sustainable Digital approaches for education, learning, localization, Science & technology. The session aimed at discussing the use various digital media, ICT tools for promoting education and create policies where educational institution and government machinery should take advantage of ICT infrastructure, e-application, e-learning platforms. The session was chaired by Mr. Amitabh Singhal and co-chaired and moderated by Mr. Anuraj Gambhir. Read More


One of the first parallel sessions held at Manthan Awards was dedicated to discussing the best ICT practices in the field of News, Media and Community Broadcasting for Social Development. The session was chaired by Ms. Supriya Sahu, Joint Secretary – Ministry of Information Broadcasting (Govt. of India). The juror expert present was Mr. Debdas Sen, Executive Director – Consulting, PwC India & Mr. Asif Syed, Editor – Current Newspaper, was the special commentator. Read More


The session started with a quick overview of the WeOW programs, its methodology, aims and objectives. The program was initiated by GOOGLE earlier this year in January with the aim to create awareness among women entrepreneurs about the mediums to connect with their customers. The program aims at providing tools to the women entrepreneurs so that they can make their enterprises more effective with the given resources and efforts. Read More


Among 5 Parallel Summits, Wireless for communities & Open Spectrum Summit focusing on ‘Empowering Communities through Open Media Access’ was one of the major Summits organized by DEF & Ford Foundation on the occasion of Manthan Award South Asia & Asia Pacific 2012 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. The session focused on arriving at better understanding of unlicensed band, free spectrum and its importance to serve last mile connectivity in India and other developing countries. Read More


The 2nd digital Minorities summit discussed the issues & problems that besets minorities in adopting ICTs to improve living and socio-economic conditions. The discussion was focused on scope, relevance and need to mainstream minorities especially Muslims in ICT for development efforts in India. This session was turned up on gap areas for ICT interventions to advance economic and social factors for minorities. Read More

Digital Prictices for Travel Tourism and Culture Manthan 2012

One of the first parallel sessions held at Manthan Awards was dedicated to discussing the best ICT practices in the field of News, Media and Community Broadcasting for Social Development. The session was chaired by Ms. Supriya Sahu, Joint Secretary – Ministry of Information Broadcasting (Govt. of India). The juror expert present was Mr. Debdas Sen, Executive Director – Consulting, PwC India & Mr. Asif Syed, Editor – Current Newspaper, was the special commentator. Read More

Digital Soln for Entertinment and Inclusion Manthan 2012

The session was dedicated towards showcasing the best practices in terms of how local entertainment are reaching out through the digital content and medium and how ICT and content can facilitate promotion and sustenance of entertainment & inclusion with larger attention on local ecosystem. The session also tried to showcase best practices in areas facilitating empowerment of the differently abled population, women, tribal communities, minorities through digital content and media. Read More

Second eNGO Summit Manthan 2012

The 2nd eNGO Summit, organized on the occasion of Manthan Award Digital Festival, witnessed the participation of more than 100 NGOs participation. The Summit focused on showcasing the best of NGOs from across Asia and highlighting how ICT has empowered them to be efficient, transparent and beneficial to their communities. Read More

Digital Approach Sustainable Env Agri and Health Manthan 2012

This session hold the discussion of digital approaches for sustainable environment, agriculture & digital health solutions. The session aimed to find out the various best practices that have been undertaken by the organizations to support health care services and sustainable environment. The session was chaired and moderated by Mr. V K Madhavan, Former Director – Chirag. Read More


This session was Technology & Entrepreneurship: Success Strategies for start-ups. It was aimed at discussing best entrepreneurial start-up successes and deliberating on the entire ecosystem of start-ups could be perceived in the light of Social Impact and how better strategies could help in sustainability, the role of social and green investors, mentorship challenges related to management, scale and revenue output. Read More

Round Table on Internet Governance Manthan 2012

On the occasion of Manthan Award 2012, Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) organized the Round Table Discussion on Internet Governance, focusing on ‘Emerging Internet Governance; Issues & Challenges in South Asia’ along with Association for Progressive Communications (APC). This round-table was an effort to understand the scope of internet governance issues in the context of South Asian countries. Read More

Digital Soln for Business Enterprise Fin Incl Manthan 2012

This session was devoted to the discussion on Digital Solutions for Business, Enterprises, Financial Inclusion and Livelihoods. The session laid emphasis on how tools of ICT tools can be used to foster the growth of medium and small scale enterprises. Mr. Bikky Khosla, CEO – Trade India, chaired the session. The session was moderated by Mr. Ashish Sanyal, Former Senior Director – e-Gov, DeITY (Ministry of IT). Read More


The Manthan Award South Asia & Asia Pacific 2012 Grand Jury held in NewDelhi, India.

The Manthan Award South Asia & Asia Pacific 2012 Grand Jury was successfully held at New Delhi, India on 5th & 6th October, 2012 at Vivanta by Taj Boardroom, New Delhi.

The Jury marked the second and final stage of selection of best practices for the 9th edition of the Manthan Award (extended to Asia Pacific this year). The Jury marked a fine amalgam of great minds from vastly different walks of life in sync with diversity in 16 award categories.

In totality, there were 469 valid nominations received in its 7 week nomination process. Preceding the two-day Grand Jury process, the internal Jury process in consultation with a panel of virtual Jury members managed to filter 469 valid entries to 223 for the convenience of the main Grand Jury members and for a smooth and quality evaluationprocess. A panel of 18 member Grand Jury panel looked into the 223 pre-filtered Nominations in 16 different categories.

The discussions of the selected nominations and the voting on each of the category began and on first day with 8 categories completed. It went on well past 1:00 am the next day.

Day 2 discussed remaining 8 categories. In all, the Grand Jury selected Winners, Special Mentions & Finalists for 2012.

The intense discussions on each and every nomination and the voting activity brought out the strengths of collective wisdom of the jurors while debating each and every aspect of every nomination. Interestingly and true to Jury norms and guidelines, this wisdom even decided not to recognise any nomination either as winner or even as a special mentionin a category or two due to not meeting any standardization or criteria. No wonder roughly 10% of the total nominations received every year gets the coveted Manthan Award as is proved by statistics available on the Award website down the years. This year proved no different. As per Award practice, the actual number and names of winners shall be publicized on the December 1st ‘2012 when Manthan Award holds its day-long Conference & Grand Gala at India Habitat Centre in New Delhi. The Award book on the occasion shall enlist all the best practices selected by the Grand Jury this year.

The Grand Jury concluding marked the moments of felicitation of the Jury members with Jury Citation & token gifts as a token of appreciation to all Jury members for their invaluable volunteering efforts in adding value to the Award process.

Honourable Members of the Manthan Award South Asia & Asia Pacific Grand Jury 2012

The following is the list of the honourable members of the Manthan Award South Asia & Asia Pacific Grand Jury 2012:

Anuraj-GambhirSAnuraj Gambhir (Strategic Advisor, Innovation & Technology @ Steadworks Pvt Ltd.)

Anuraj Gambhir has worked in the mobile telecommunications industry for over two decades across several parts of the mobile value web and devices ecosystem on four continents – Australasia, North America, Europe & Asia. He has worked from hands-on technical roles to senior executive management positions and is regarded by many as an industry visionary. Companies he has worked for include: NASA/JPL, SingTel Optus, Logica/Aethos, T-Mobile, Orange, GSM Association, Sharp, Siemens, BenQ mobile, Spice Corp & currently as Director – Strategy & Innovation with Ericsson, based in India. He has spearheaded several innovations in the advanced as well as grassroot level mobile domain in mature and emerging markets.

Amitabh-SinghalSAmitabh Singhal (Board Member, PIR.ORG)

Amitabh currently sits on the Board of .ORG, the Public Interest Registry, based in Reston, Virginia. He is the Director of Telxess Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. and Vcon Services Ltd. He was a Founder and former President of Internet Service Providers Association of India. He also was a founder, Board Director and CEO of National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI). He helped conceptualize and set up NIXI as a public private partnership between ISPAI and Department of Information Technology, Government of India and was involved in restructuring NIXI as an autonomous Registry and Regulator of the .IN Domain (Indian ccTLD), including its commercial launch, drafting and implementing the INDRP, and appointment of Registrars, etc. He is also associated with Internet Governance Group of the Department of IT. He represented and was the spokesperson of India’s ISP industry, since the time of inception to well over a decade. He contributed many articles over the years in various publications and journals, and was a speaker & presenter at various forums, including the IGF, INET and other national, regional and international forums. He helped shape public policies in the telecommunication sphere as a member of various governmental and industry committees, expert groups and panels.

MadanRajen Varada (Founder & Director, Technology For The People)

Rajen Varada is a ICT practioner since 1995 and continues to be actively engaged in designing and implementing pro? of concept solutions for rural development using technology and in particular ICT. He has beeen at the forefront of developing solutions for health, early childhood care,( sisu samrakshak) disaster,( SMS4help), district administration (Parishkaram) and mostrecently ‘Labnet” a migrant labour tracking and servces portal. Technology for the people and NGo of which he is the founder continues to research on ICTsolutions forthe social sector. Rajen has been the founding of movements like public sector software and actively supports community ownership of technology, from community radio, community Tv and open source use. He has worked in UNICEF as a project manager to design a health dissemination package for rural communities called ‘Sisu Samrakshak’. Which broke new ground in designing icons in collaboration with the rural communities. Mr. Rajen subsequently worked as Resource Person of the United Nations Solution Exchange ICT for development Unit.

Subho-RaySSubho Ray (President, IAMAI)

Currently he is working as the president of Internet & Mobile Association India (IAMAI). In his current role, has been instrumental in some crucial steps for the development of the digital industry. The main among these are instituting an accreditation process for interactive agencies, a credit recovery process for online publishers, organizing and getting recognition forthe mobile value added services industry and for opening up the pre-paid instruments industry. Under Mr Subho Ray’s leadership, IAMAI has also been recognized as the leaderin all Internet and mobile value added services research in India. IAMAI has grown seven-fold in terms of membership and has been at the forefront of the advocacy for ecommerce, online advertisement, ICT for SMEs, internet penetration and an equitable business regime for mobile value added services industry.Before joining IAMAI, Subho was director for the ICT vertical at the Confederation of Indian Industry (India’s largest industry body) in New Delhi where he worked since 1998 with a 2 year stint at the Confederation’s London once.

Soumya-SarkarSSoumya Sarkar (News Editor, Mint)

Soumya Sarkaris News Editorin Mint, a sister publication of the Hindustan Times published in partnership with the Wall Street Journal. He has been working in Media and Communications for over two decades and was previously with the The Times of India, The Indian Express Group, the Telegraph and the Down to Earth magazine. He has also worked as development and communications consultant with organizations that include the World Bank and the Aga Khan Development Network. Besides working in the areas of environment, rural livelihoods, energy and water resources, Soumya is keenly interested in science and technology issues.

Desi-S-ValliDesi S Valli (ED & COO, Net 4 India)

Desi S Valli is one among the most successful Internet executives in India. He started his professional careerin a small start-up organization in Delhi, his initial interest in network design and integration gave him a chance to get involved in modern, developing technologies, and speci?cally Internet technologies. His contribution to the Networking industry gave him an opportunity to join Net4 India Ltd, as a founding member, in the year1999. Today, Net4, a BSE listed Company, is one of India’s leading players in IP Communications Services providing a wide range of quality, customer-focused and reliable Internetrelated services. He is the secretary of the Internet Service Providers Association of India (ISPAI). He is a member of Technical advisory committee of NIXI (National Internet Exchange of India, which is a government funded company with a mandate for optimally utilizing the Internet infrastructure within the country). Through his expertise and exposure to internal ICT markets, he is an active participant in the discussion forums of TRAI, on its policy formation processes.

Shriyananda-RathnayakeSShriyananda Rathnayake (Project Manager, ICTA-Sri Lanka)

Shriyananda Rathnayake “Shri” is responsible for Formulate and implement strategies to contribute to the overall goal of the e-Society Programme of ICT Agency of Sri Lanka to promote the innovative use of ICT to meet the social and economic needs of the most vulnerable communities in Sri Lanka; to develop approaches to scale up successful applications; and to empower civil society with affordable access to information, communication, and relevant local content. As Project Manager & Content Manager of ICTA and an important member of its e-Society team, Shri has been responsible for conceptualizing and monitoring several projects which have made a strong impact on Sri Lankan rural society. Among them are projects which have helped access to Information, Livelihood, Education and Health. In doing so, Shri has come up with novel methods of collecting and disseminating content and has been responsible for promoting the use of local language Unicode and enhancing and improving the quality of local language content on the web.

Sushil-PandeySSushil Pandey (ICT Practitioner, ICIMOD-Nepal)

Sushil Pandey is an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Specialist and leads the information technology (IT) team in ICIMOD’s Information and Knowledge Management (IKM) Programme. He has 16 years of experience in the area of ICT, and his current responsibilities include the management of the enterprise-wide computing and electronic communications environment; planning, designing and implementing information systems; systems integration; and interface with mutually reinforcing systems and technology like enterprise resource planning (ERP) and knowledge management. Mr Pandey has a Master’s degree in Computer Science from the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok and a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from the Regional Engineering College, Trichy, South India. Prior to joining ICIMOD, he worked as a Systems Analyst at the Regional Computer Centre of AIT and as a Systems Developer in a project on management information systems at the Ministry of Finance, Nepal through Public Administration Service, a US-based consulting company. From 2002 to 2008, Mr Pandey served as a distinguished member of the Panel of Authors on Digital Review of Asia Pacific and produced biennial reviews on ICT in Nepal and the region.

Debdas-SenSDebdas Sen (Executive Director-Consulting, PwC India)

Debdas is the leader of much of the Technology Practice in PwC, which is the largest part of the consulting business in India. He is also responsible for the offshore operations of PwC India , which is based in Kolkata. Debdas is a B.Tech (Hons.) from IIT Kharagpur in Electronics and Communication Engineering, and is also the leader of the Business Intelligence business of PwC India. He has been a consultant to many top tier retail and consumer products and goods organizations in India and globally. He has delivered speeches across the world on various subjects including Performance Management.

Dr.-Sheetal-AmteSDr. Sheetal Amte (Chief Development Officer, Maharogi Sewa Samiti, Warora, Anandwan)

Dr Amte is a Medical Doctor with Masters degree in Social Entrepreneurship from TISS, Mumbai. She has rich experience in healthcare and nonprofit management with a focus on livelihood generation and rehabilitation of people with disabilities.Interested in creative communications and photography, she wishes to develop creative communication tools for promoting community entrepreneurship, livelihood generation and also for preventive healthcare. Her specialties are Creative Communications, Livelihood Promotion, Photography, Social Marketing , Project Planning and Management, Documenting innovations and entrepreneurial case studies, Business Plan Formulation ,Innovations in Corporate Social Responsibility.

Bikas-Kr.-SinghSBikas Kr. Singh (Head-Corporate Affairs, Lenovo India Pvt. Ltd.)

Bikas is a Physics graduate from Delhi University and has a Law Degree from Campus Law Centre, Delhi University. He also has a Masters Degree in International Business from Delhi School of Economics. Bikas is a reputed Public policy expert with diverse experience in FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry) for 10 years. He has also worked with the Commercial Section of Danish Embassy and Carlsberg prior to joining Lenovo as its Head of Government Affairs. In Lenovo, Bikas has been instrumental in establishing Lenovo’s image as a global, compliant company and as a thought leader in Indian IT hardware industry. He is in-charge for Government Policies, Regulatory issues, corporate affairs as well as Lenovo’s CSR initiative. He is the Co-Chair for the FICCI Sub-Group on government policies in the ICTE Committee, member of the CII National Committee on ICT and also member of MAIT Executive Committee.

V-K-MadhavanSV K Madhavan (Former Director, Chirag)

Madhavan was appointed the Executive director of Chirag in 2004. Prior to this, Madhavan had worked in Delhi with The Hunger Project, Action Aid and as an independent consultant prior to which he worked for 8 years in Bikaner district of Western Rajasthan with Urmul Trust and Urmul Setu Sansthan. Madhavan holds a Masters in Politics (International Studies) from Jawaharlal Nehru University.

Pranshu-SinghalSPranshu Singhal (Head-Sustainability, Nokia India Private Limited)

Pranshu has an engineering degree in Environmental Engineering. Then he moved to Sweden to pursue a Masters in Environmental Science. After his masters, Pranshu moved to the U.S. to pursue a few more specialized courses and have been working in the field ever since. Pranshu Singhal is currently working as the Head- Sustainability at Nokia India Private Limited. He has been working with Nokia in multiple focus areas for more than a decade and is currently focusing on issues like sustainable consumption and e-waste management for the company in India.

Nandita-RaoSNandita Rao (Lawyer and Activist)

She is a lawyer and activist, who has been practicing at the Delhi High Court and Supreme Court of India since 1998. She has been associated with the Delhi High Court legal Services Authority and with NGO’S including CHILDLINE ( a national helpline for children), Swanchetan ( an NGO that works on women’s mental health issues) and the Lawyers Collective ( Civil Liberties Unit- which has worked extensively on cases arising from the Gujarat Genocide in 2002). Nandita completed her LLB from Symbiosis Societies Law College Pune and her LLM (Development) from School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London, UK as a Chevening Scholar. Apart from writing on current legal issues, including the Bhopal Verdict and judicial delay in National Dailies including the Asian Age, her publication include ; “The mirage of justice and International Law (case study of Gujarat)” presentation at the International Law Association Conference, entitled “Tower of Babel” 2006, London, UK. Directory of Supreme Court & High Court Judgments on issues of Women and Children ( Co- Editor) Manual – Copy rights and patentrights fortribal and traditional Artists for Social Action Forum for Manav Adhikar.

Vijay-S-ShimpukadeSVijay S Shimpukade (Regional Manager, Intel Technology India Pvt Ltd.)

Vijay Shimpukade is the Regional Manager for West and Central India at Intel Technology India Pvt Ltd. responsible for Enterprise business. Vijay has around 20 years of experience with International success in various management and leadership roles in India, USA and Africa including Sales, Strategic planning, Program Management, Business Development, leading critical Business units, Technical lead and pre-Sales support. Vijay has spearheaded multiple critical corporate initiatives for efficiency drive across the globe including USA, APAC, Europe, Russia and Israel. Vijay interfaces across all organizational levels and contributes to highly successful teams. Vijay is an Engineering Graduate and has MS in Technology Management from NJ, USA.

Vineeta-DixitSVineeta Dixit (Principal Consultant, NeGP-DIT)

Vineeta has over 22 years of experience in India and UK. She has worked in the areas of technology, education and governance. In the last 10 years I have transitioned from mainstream corporate life to ICT for Development (ICT4D) and public policy initiatives. She is currently Principal Consultant – Citizen Engagement for the $ 10 Bn National e-Governance Plan of Government of India. She has Masters in Social Policy & Development from London School of Economics and a Masters in Business Administration from The Business School, Jammu University, India. Her specialties are – Strategic consulting, Programme Management, Resource Management, Citizen Engagement, Impact Assessment

NeelamSNeelam Chhiber (Member of Governing Council, NASE)

Neelam Chhiber is the co-founder of Industree, a social enterprise that connects rural producers to urban markets. Industree, with investment from Future Group, India’s largest retail chain, built a part producer owned retail brand called Mother Earth. Neelam is an Industrial Designer from National Institute of Design and alumnus of Social impact International, as well as Global Social Benefit Incubator ,Santa Clara University, USA. She believes that the strong marketing platform that Mother Earth will provide for food, fashion and home will drive producer incomes upwards, increase potential of ownership in their own enterprises, which in turn will drive efficiency.

Virtual Jury panel

NikhilNikhil Pahwa (Editor & Publisher, Medianama)

Nikhil Pahwa is the Founder and Editor of, India’s premier source of news and analysis of the Telecom and Digital Media in India. He has been involved with online communities for eleven years, five of which have been as a journalist providing perspective on the evolving digital content and services ecosystem in India. Prior to founding MediaNama in 2008, he was the Editor of ContentSutra, now a part of the GigaOm Network of telecom and digital media focused publications.

rajneshRajnesh singh (Internet Society)

Rajnesh Singh is Regional Director of the Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau at the Internet Society where he oversees projects, initiatives and activities across the Internet Society’s functional and programmatic areas in the Asia and Pacific region, including Public Policy, Capacity Building and Internet Standards and Technology.

RejenRajen Varada (Founder & Director, Technology For The People)

Rajen Varada is a ICT practioner since 1995 and continues to be actively engaged in designing and implementing pro? of concept solutions for rural development using technology and in particular ICT. He has beeen at the forefront of developing solutions for health, early childhood care,( sisu samrakshak) disaster,( SMS4help), district administration (Parishkaram) and mostrecently ‘Labnet” a migrant labour tracking and servces portal.

AmirAmir Ullah Khan (Deputy Director, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)

Amir Ullah Khan is an economist working at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as Deputy Director, Strategy. He has worked as a Researcher for the Ministry of Finance, Government of India and the UNDP at Project LARGE (Legal Adjustments and Reforms for Globalizing the Economy). He was then the Academic Head at the Indian School of Finance & Management after which he worked with Encyclopedia Britannica as Executive Director & Editor. He teaches a course on Indian Economic Policy at the Indian School of Business,Hyderabad and at the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Delhi.

MadanMadan Mohan Rao (Research Project Director, Mobile Monday)

He graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology at Bombay and completed his advanced studies from University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He is M.S. in computer science and a Ph.D. in communications. He works as a consultant and author from Bangalore, in knowledge management and new media. He was formerly the Communications Director at the United Nations Inter Press Service bureau in New York, and vice president at IndiaWorld Communications in Bombay. He is the Research Projects Director of Mobile Monday and co-founder of the Bangalore K-Community.

ChitrangniChitranganie Mubarak (Senior Programme manager, ICTA)

Chitranganie Mubarak is the Senior Programme Head of the e-Society Programme of the ICTA. She has a great passion for ICT4D and plays a key role in facilitating access to ICT amongst the most vulnerable groups in Sri Lanka thereby ensuring a more balanced access to information within Sri Lankan society and reducing the ICT development divide between urban and rural areas. Chitranganie has spear-headed several key ICT initiatives in Sri Lanka while implementing over 250 community based ICT for development project.

sushilSushil Pandey (ICT Practitioner, ICIMOD-Nepal)

Sushil Pandey is an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Specialist and leads the information technology (IT) unit in ICIMOD’s Integrated Knowledge Management (IKM) Programme. He has 16 years of experience in the area of ICT and ICT for knowledge management and development. Sushil has a Master’s degree in Computer Science from the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok and a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from the Regional Engineering College, Trichy, South India. Prior to joining ICIMOD, he worked as a Systems Analyst at the Regional Computer Centre of AIT and earlier with an ADB project on Management Information System in Nepal.

AmitabhAmitabh Singhal (Board Member, PIR.ORG)

Amitabh currently sits on the Board of .ORG, the Public Interest Registry, based in Reston, Virginia. He is the Director of Telxess Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. and Vcon Services Ltd. He was a Founder and former President of Internet Service Providers Association of India. He also was a founder, Board Director and CEO of National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI). He helped conceptualize and set up NIXI as a public private partnership between ISPAI and Department of Information Technology, Government of India and was involved in restructuring NIXI as an autonomous Registry and Regulator of the .IN Domain (Indian ccTLD), including its commercial launch, drafting and implementing the INDRP, and appointment of Registrars, etc. He is also associated with Internet Governance Group of the Department of IT.

BikkyBikky Khosla (CEO,

Mr. Bikky Khosla is the first-generation entrepreneur who revolutionised the Indian dotcom industry in trade, connecting buyers and sellers from across the globe, facilitating easy and smooth business. With a lofty vision of serving the trade community of India, Mr. Khosla conceptualized Infocom Network Ltd. in 1991.In the nineties the dotcom industry saw a boom swaying in the trade community under its grip. Mr. Khosla decided to deliver something extra to the trade community and this marked the beginning of India’s first B2B portal – The portal provided a platform to buyers and sellers across the world irrespective of distance, size and position of exporters, importers and service providers in diverse arenas.Today, apart from being the CEO of, Mr Khosla is also the Chairman of ASSOCHAM’s expert committee on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

Pankaj-SethiPankaj Sethi (Director, Thirdvue Consulting)

Pankaj Sethi advises in the areas of Telecom and New Media. His present company Third Vue Consulting works with large Telecom clients on defining and driving their disruptive growth areas. It also advises high potential startups and early growth companies, in building their strategic and business growth models. Previously Mr. Pankaj Sethi served as the President of Corporate Services at TATA Teleservices Ltd. Mr. Sethi served at Mukta Arts Limited and holds PGDM.

Osama Manzar’s Column (Chairman Manthan Award)


facebookNeed for digital literacy in govt : In the past few years, although India has been ranked among the top three nations by number of Internet users and second only to the US in Facebook users, there has also been an increasing number of not-so-healthy reactions from the government and politicians to postings on social media websites. The authorities have arrested citizens for making remarks on Facebook and Twitter. Headlines regarding India are rising on, which tracks freedom of expression and censorship issues. With the Internet hosting a large community worldwide, there is no one government that rules it. While real life is in many ways different from the virtual world, the latter is continuously evolving to emulate the former, so much so that real people are becoming more active, vocal and participative in the virtual world. Read more

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DSC01215Digital strategy to make education accessible : New Delhi: The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) provides an opportunity to students to continue education that has been put on hold for various reasons. It is an open school that caters to the need of a heterogeneous group of learners up to the high-school level. Students who can’t go to school on a regular basis can join the many courses and programmes available with NIOS through the open and distance-learning modes. Established in 1979 as an autonomous body by the ministry of human resource development, the institute launched its website in 2009, which has since then become a one-stop source of information and support to learners. The organization is also vested with the authority to register, examine and certify students. Read more

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