Organisation: University of Colombo School of Computing
Country :Sri Lanka
Website :
Language: English
: The University of Colombo School of Computing has developed Siyara which is a Vessel Traffic Monitoring System (VTMS) with 3D visualisation. Implemented in Colombo port, which is one of the busiest ports in south Asia, since August 2013, the system enables port authorities to obtain a greatly enhanced situation awareness, especially during bad weather and at night time when Siyara can produce precise three dimensional vessel traffic visualization similar to day time. This leads to a significant reduction in human error and increases the user efficiency with regard to overall traffic management, safety and security issues. Siyara gets vessel data from the AIS signal which is broadcasted by commercial vessels. Non-AIS emitting day-to-day operational boats, and gantry cranes are identified via Android based specially designed and developed sensors. The data is then used to virtually replicate the real harbor environment more precisely than any other VTMS solution. At present, there are two VTMS solutions in the global market with 3D visualization. Both the solutions are extremely expensive compared to Siyara which is being marketed at a much lower price. Moreover, the system has been designed to take care of the specific features of South Asia and Asia Pacific ports and is, therefore, an appropriate and cost effective solution for all other ports in the region.