Special Appreciation Award for an Emerging State-2008
Special Appreciation Award for an Emerging State: Jharkhand agency for promotion of information technology
Government of jharkhand
Jharkhand is one of the newest states. Dominated by tribal communities surrounded by hills, ridges and plateaus, Jharkhand known for its poverty, under-development and political crisis amidst very high natural resource base. Making an effort and creating a success story in Jharkhand is always a Herculean task. Yet, in the last few years, the IT department of Jharkhand has relentlessly achieved ICT integration in all strata of life.
The State of Jharkhand was among the first in implementing SWAN (State Wide Area Network); first to roll out Common Service Centres; and one of the first to automate entire registration process. The credit goes to the State IT Department to take challenging steps in automation of the entire State treasury and is on the way to integrate entire state with Geographic Information System (GIS). The State IT wing is also credited to facilitate using of the Radio set for education across government schools. The surprising initiative is the full fledged Prison Information system (PIS) that has helped to put every thing digitally including trial through video conferencing. Last but not the least is the pro-activeness of the IT officials and resource persons of Jharkhand in having an open minded framework that has given the State of Jharkhand an edge over other states on many parameters within a small time frame. The hosting of the Manthan Award South Asia Grand Jury 2008 could be a live instance for immediate reference.