e-Governance, Winner 2013
Project Title : UNNATHI – Nirupedala samagrabhivruddhi
Category : e-Governance
Producer : Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP)

Unnathi-PoPUNNATHI – Nirupedala samagrabhivrudhi aims at improving the economic status of the down trodden communities especially SC & ST with the help of ICT. The objective of this strategy has been spelled clearly as enabling every poorest of the poor (PoP) family to earn an additional annual income of at least INR 60000 over the next 3 years along with a significant rise in human development indicators. Unnathi strategy is being implemented in 339 mandals, 3163 GPs across 22 districts covering 6.2 lakh poorest of the poor (PoP) households.

As part of ICT initiatives, Unnathi PoP Strategy has two applications viz baseline data-entry and ePoP. The former is for capturing the baseline information of the selected POP families while later is dealing with analysis of the baseline data along with the screens for capturing the household livelihood projects and utilisation certificates. The application is trying to integrate with various existing databases like NREGS, Ration card, SHG bank linkage, land information, health and nutrition etc. to track the progress made by each PoP household under the scheme. Baseline information of all the identified 6.2 lakh households had already been collected and made available on the web using the data-application developed by Infosys Technologies. It is an online application with the provision for data entry in local language and easy to view navigating screens with all the necessary validation controls.

The district level users are using the MIS reports mainly for monitoring purpose and put special focus on the poor performing mandals. The mandal staff is mainly providing the inputs regarding the household livelihood projects.

Project Title : JKPULSE Project Monitoring Tool
Category : e-Governance
Producer : Information Technology Department,Government of J&K

JK-PulseGovernment of J&K started an initiative called JK Pulse to monitor ongoing projects using mobile technologies on open platforms. With the application, inspecting officer can click photographs of the location and can give real time comments and status report of the scheme. This is being used by field level officers, currently in five districts. The project rolled out in all the 11 border area districts of Jammu and Kashmir.

Government of J&K started the initiative ‘JK Pulse’ to monitor ongoing projects using mobile technologies on open platforms. This application has been developed on open source Android platform and is being used by field level officers, currently in five districts. The telecom connectivity in border area districts of Jammu and Kashmir is not very good; hence it was challenging to rollout this application. There were many sites where there was no Connectivity. When the village level worker (VLW) clicks the picture, the application geo tags and time stamps the picture. The VLW has the option of entering any text (comments) if he wants to. The application then uploads it to the central server. The update is now available to every user higher up in hierarchy. BDO (or first level reviewer) gets a notification of upload on his dashboard. He has the option to add his inputs to the upload. Similarly, other officers up in the hierarchy have the option to add their inputs on the upload.


  • Inspecting officer can click photographs of the location and can give real time comments and status report of the scheme.
  • The pictures are embedded with the Geo Tags (location coordinates) and time stamp (Date and Time) so that there is minimal chance of status tampering.
  • The Picture / Status once captured by the inspecting officer are out of his control to delete or modify.
  • There is a provision of backward communication where the Upper level officers can send messages to the lower levels in case there is a priority for the task.

Project Title : Electronic Service Level Agreement (e-SLA)
Category : e-Governance
Producer : Department of Information Technology, Govt. of NCT of Delhi

eSLA‘Electronic Service Level Agreement (e-SLA)’ project monitors the time bound delivery of government services as per provisioning of ‘The Delhi Right of Citizen to Time Bound Delivery of Services Act 2011′. Under this act, every citizen residing in Delhi has the Right to obtain time bound delivery of services. Till now, 116 public services of 24 departments have been covered under the ambit of electronic monitoring system.’

The project envisaged development of a system to monitor the time bound delivery of services as per provisioning of ‘The Delhi Right of Citizen to Time Bound Delivery of Services Act 2011’, Government of NCT of Delhi (GNCTD) has designed and implemented an online monitoring system for the timely delivery of services in Delhi named ‘Electronic Service Level Agreement (e-SLA)’ sys-tem. GNCTD has also enacted the Act to provide the legal strength to the monitoring mechanism. With the help of e-SLA system, a citizen can track the status of application through a web-portal by using a unique application ID provided by the department at time of submission of application. For some services, the application status can also be tracked through mobile devices. The 116 serv-ices of various departments are selected after an interaction and feedback of Citizens of Delhi through ‘Bhagidari platform’. Bhagidari was devised as an appropriate model to interact with citi-zen-groups.

The e-SLA monitoring system streamlines service delivery by developing an adequate service delivery monitoring mechanism. It is empowering citizens by creating various tools for making service delivery procedures, citizen friendly.

Project Title : Himbhoomi (Special Mention)
Category : e-Governance
Producer : Department of Revenue HP Government & NIC Hiamchal Pradesh

HimbhoomiHimbhoomi – the computerisation of land records in Himachal Pradesh started as a replicabn of existing Record of Rights (RoR). This unique software automatically keeps land records. The software is under implementation in 12 Districts and 77 Tehsils. The software will update the data of 19,352 villages in the state.

The computerisation of land records in Himachal Pradesh has been a massive exercise over the last 20 years. The Himachal Pradesh Government, India has introduced the software named ‘Him Bhoomi’. The state is taking lead in e-Governance by launching a big computerisation and application of IT and IT enabled services. The Him Bhoomi software helps in the streamlined maintenance of land records. The charges fixed for getting certified copies of RoR are very nominal, which has resulted in a large number of land owners of the state, who are taking RoR copies through Tehsil centres and Citizen Service Centres-LMK. The citizens need not be in their own District/Tehsil or Panchayat. They can take it from any LMK Centre for any village. The revenue being generated at Tehsil centres is ensuring that cost of infrastructure and technical manpower is being met thereby ensuring it sustainability in the long run.

Project Title : Mineral Administration and Governance (Special Mention) 
Category : e-Governance
Producer : Commissioner of Geology and Mining, Industries and Mines Dept.,Govt. of Gujarat.

It is an e-Governance system for mineral administration and governance. The innovative role of weigh bridge owner is covered to complete mineral transportation cycle. It has Hand Held Terminal (HHT) solution for better service delivery to lease holder, especially in remote areas of mining site, where IT infrastructure setup is a challenge.

Code Solutions, a division of Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers Company Ltd. has offeredintegrated software development, portal application modules such as e-payment, e-Royalty pass, e-return, e-Delivery C halla , demand register and other related modules covering in one singleportal for stake holders of geology and mining in Gujarat. The project as played crucial role in reductionof malpractices such as royalty theftand illegal mining and bringing in transparency with minimal human intervention. The former process of issuing royalty pass to leaseholders was manual.

The leaseholders had to get physical challans, get them signed from district geologist office, stand in queue to deposit in an authorised bank and wait for the days decided by district office for allotment of royalty pass booklet and get each triplicate passes stamped. It is used in areas with limited internet connectivity and irregular power supply, where lessee has to generate the e-Royalty pass as per Mining laws. The leaseholders have an option of portable battery operated Hand Held Terminal (HHT) Devices to generate royalty pass. The system has created the centralised database containing the information related to leaseholders, payment transactions,updated mineral rate, royalty pass issuance, demand register information and weighbridges, mineral stockist for better automation.

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