Category – E-Agriculture & Livelihood (FINALIST)


eFarms is a project that attempts to provide technological solutions to problems faced by agricultural communities in rural Sri Lanka. A joint initiative involving TEAMS Private Limited, Industrial Technology Institute (ITI), Ministry of Technology & Research (MOTR), Sri Lanka and Megaskills Research, it will build capacities and enable informed decision making for the farmers. The scheme includes arranging of multi-lingual eLearning resources and reference materials for enterprise set-up, value addition, packaging and income generation; direct access to technology transfer agencies (like ITI) via video conferencing for troubleshooting; linking rural producers with direct markets through web databases thus providing supply chain efficiency; SMS alerts providing market prices and other information. Vidhata Resource Centres (VRCs) of the MOTR provide the supporting infrastructure & facilitation at community level.

Original Title : eFarms Project: Establishing Sustainable Rural Production Communities through Innovative and Integrated use of ICT

Producer : TEAMS (Pvt) Limited with Industrial Technology Institute (ITI), Sri Lanka

Location : Maharagama, Colombo, SRI LANKA

Media Format : Cross Media

Language : Sinhala, Tamil, English

www : 

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