Digital Approaches for Sustainable Agriculture & Ecology


  • Focus on India’s two primary pillars of development: Agriculture and Ecology
  • Role, impact and importance of ICTs in relation to Climate Change and Agriculture
  • Cumulative involvement of various sectors for a comprehensive approach to progressiveness in employment

CHAIR: Sheo Shekhar Shukla, IAS, Government of Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal
MODERATOR: Jinesh Shah, Co-founder, Omnivore Partners
JURY EXPERT: Amitabh Singhal, Board member, PIR.ORG
PANELIST: Sunjay VS, Senior Manager, Agribusiness Practices, PwC

Mr. L P Semwal, Apple Project India
Krishna Kumar, CropIn Technology Solutions
Anuj Kumar Mahat, Birthday Forest
Narasimhan Mandyam, Impel Touch
Dr. P. Ahamed, e-Krishi Patashala
Amit Mazumder, Farmers’ Advisory
S.N Islam, Expert System on Seed Spices
Dr. A. Sakeer Husain, KAU Agri-Infotech Portal

L.P. Semwal, Apple Project India : Apple Project India is based on stakeholder model and accommodated small and marginal farmers, trust, joint ventures company, other investors, and operational team members. The ICT project team helps in creating a resource center for farmers, agriculture related problems such as right time of harvesting, transportation and selling in the market at a reasonable price.The project also has a web based internal system that takes care of weather forecasting, farmer personal details, customer details and Apple tree details such as no. of trees, age of a tree etc. The team provides SMS service for the farmers about the local weather forecasting for next 24 to 48 hour. For transferring information, the organization checks with different agriculture institutes to collect data from there. In 2013, there are now 8 centers, 123 villagers, 2760 farmers associated with this project.Apple Project India also visions to be an information portal on agriculture and horticulture and an advisor to farmers and agriculture practitioners on soil testing and input applications. The project also believes in the importance of ICT developments and aspires to implement an online account structure for every farmer. The major challenges faced in the initiative corresponds to the lack of information and communication, infrastructure, adaptability of technology for rural farmers, and excessive of snowfall during the season.
Some major features of Apple Project India include:

    • Agriculture based Information for Apple farming

  • Weather forecasting
  • Market Price evaluation
  • Planning for selling
  • Centralized ICT management with distributed activities
  • Ease of development and deployment of technology
  • Information sharing among different stake holders and to make them familiar with ICT
Krishna Kumar, CropIn Technology Solutions : CropIn Technology Solution addresses the need of agriculture sector by sharing information through innovative web and mobile technologies. In India, 70% people are involved in agriculture and 150 million farmers in the country are trying to do some kind of business out of their farming. However, there is still lack of information, knowledge, collaboration and linkage system in farming sectors of India. As an initiative to tackle the current situation, CropIn offers a solution that enables crop management through various stages of seeding, sowing and executing the entire operations. It helps farmers in real time, if they face any kind of issues, connects farmers with financial institutions and stake holders and assists farmers in order to improve productivity and yield in the farm adhering to global exportability norms
Crop In also helps in managing the plot for the farmer and helps to measure the area of the land accurately so that use of seeds, fertilizer and pesticides can be optimized, through collaborations with different participants like farmers management team, advisory team, farm managers. The initiative can also provide real time Harvest and productivity estimation.
Anuj Kumar Mahat, Birthday Forest :‘Birthday Forest’ provides an exciting service that enables people and corporate to plant trees on specific occasions such as birthdays and take care after plantation.
Birthday Forest takes request from the owner (generally the government land) via web and mobile to plant trees in selected location.
Once birthday forest receives approval, it plants trees on behalf of people and moreover it takes care of planted trees providing guarantee for three years after plantation. Birthday forest also send the longitude and latitude along with half yearly status report of a tree, one has planted giving a peace of mind and satisfaction on one’s contribution to nature.
Birthday forest helps to build sustainable community forest and help community forest user group get incentive via carbon trading and ultimately help to reduce climate change. The project targets increased plantation by the side of the road in urban area to increase greenery, decrease noise pollution and to build the aesthetic of the city. The organization also involves school children in field visits to community forests and aware them about plant and involve them in plantation.
Dr.P. Ahamad, e-Krishi Patashala : E-Krishi Patashala acts as an advisory service for farmers, researchers, students and other stakeholders of the agriculture front. E-Krishi Patashala provides online services and solutions for learners, course schedules, communicates it to the users, delivers courses and conducts assessment of the users as well as content, records their test scores, tracks progress and gives reports on its basis. It also provides Virtual supervision learning E-Krishi Patashala believes that the community of learners could interact at anytime and anywhere because of the benefits that computer-mediated educational tools provide.
Initially, three courses were launched in organic agriculture management, landscaping and plant propagation, processing and marketing.
Amit Mazumder, Framer’s advisory : Framer’s advisory project explains about soil friendliness using web based and mobile technology. Farmers’ Advisory System has been developed from soil test data containing nutrient availability of West Bengal supplied by National Bureau of Soil Survey & Land Use Planning supported by the Department of Agriculture, Government of West Bengal. The project is primarily designed for rice, vegetables, pulses and oil seeds, cotton and fruit growers to develop strategies for fertilizing their crops based on soil nutrient status. This web application also calculates number of alternate options, which could be selected by the small, marginal and big farmers depending upon their requirement, availability of irrigations and socio-economic conditions. This Web Application will help render and serve information on crops that may be grown in that area and, the recommendation of fertilisers for the selection of crops by the farmer that may be cultivated in a particular agricultural year.

S.N Islam, Expert System on Seed Spices : Expert System on Seed Spices is an initiative for the knowledge dissemination on seed spices using Information Communication Technology. The project provides all the relevant information about the Crop Management on 4 major and 6 minor seed spices. It will advise farmers on variety selection, field preparation,fertilizer application, schedule of irrigation, plant protection from pests/diseases/nematodes. It will be able to provide solution to the problems faced by the farmers through online queries. It will also help in identifying insect/pest attack and suggest defense mechanism. It will also enhance the efficiency of Agricultural Extension personnel. This way it will help in transfer of technology for increasing production of seed spices and will contribute to enhancement of production level of seed spices.

Dr. A. Sakeer Husain, KAU Agri-Infotech Portal :KAU Agri-Infotech portal provides advisory Service for farmers, researchers, students, and all other stakeholders of the Agricultural-front.The portal provides information of about 140 crops, animal husbandry, fisheries and all information is authenticated. He explains that KAU Fertulator service of KAU Agri-Infotech portal provides information on quantity, quality, dilution ration of insecticides, fungicides, antibiotics for a unit crop area. The portal also provides a forum where users can interact themselves. One can also diagnose the problem of the crop through crop health diagnostic tool. All information is also available in Malayalam language.
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