Category: COMMUNITY BROADCASTING, Finalists 2011
Original Title : Community Rudi No Radio
Media Format : Radio
Website :
Producer : Indian Academy for Self Employed Women
Language : Gujarati
Location : Gujarat, INDIA
Contact :

Community-rudi-no-radioThe Rudi no Radio programme is broadcast from All India Radio- Ahmedabad (AIR-Ahm.) airwaves on every Saturday for the duration of 15 minutes. The radio is broadcast from 8 to 8.15 pm on AIR. The programme is produced and broadcast by women of SEWA for the rural audience. The episodes range on variety of topics The Community Rudi no Radio Station (CRS), which started functioning from November 26,2009, is broadcast from SEWA Academy’s Manipur, Sanand Taluka, on 90.4 Frequency and reaches 40 villages within 10 kilometres radius. The programme is broadcast from 9 am to 1 pm and 4 pm to 8 pm daily.

The Jury noted that the CRS has a wide coverage and the overall population of the 40 villages in 10 km radius reached through Community Rudi No Radio Station (CRS) are approximately 1, 68,000 people. The listeners figure is approximately 1, 16,000 people.It was further noted that the Community Radio Station is run and managed by a team of community women and the radio productions are done for the community people, by the community people. The Jury also noted the fact the CRS Community Rudi no Radio Station received two awards in the First CEMCA Community Radio Awards for Good Practices 2011 and the Laadli Media Awards for Gender Sensitivity 2010-11 (Western Region) in the Special Award category ‘Efforts to empower women through media’.

Original Title : Radio Sirsa
Media Format : Radio
Website :
Producer : Radio Sirsa
Language : Hindi/Punjabi
Location : Haryana, INDIA
Contact :

Radio-sirsaRadio Sirsa is a community radio station run by the teachers and students of mass communication in Chaudhary Devi Lal University in collaboration with the people of local community. Radio Sirsa have integrated Community Radio with internet. Video-conferencing and Web-conferencing are used for production of some of our programs where experts and dignitaries located at faraway places are interviewed online and these interviews are broadcast on Radio Sirsa. Some of the programs are also made available to internet users/ ipod users through the Podcast Service. Hellosirsa, the f lagship call-in show of Radio Sirsa serves as an effective bridge between the listeners and the local government. Variety of audio programs including callin shows, discussions, interviews, cultural programs, these programs are on health, education, environment awareness and issues related to the day to day life of the listeners. Radio Sirsa promotes local culture and talent through various programs of these stations.

The Jury noted with appreciation that Radio Sirsa serves the people of Sirsa city and over 60 villages around the town. Also it was noted that apart from this, its selected programs are available to internet users worldwide through its podcast service. It was observed thatb the CRS is managed and run completely by volunteers drawn from among the teachers of Journalism Department, students and members of local community. The unique feature of the CRS noted by the Jury is that the radio-jockeys include ordinary shopkeepers, farmers, government employees and housewives who are not paid even a single penny for the services they render to the local community through Radio Sirsa.
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