HIV/AIDS Awareness Package-HAAP

Product Description
Created, designed and maintained by the children in English, Hindi, Kannada and Telugu, HAAP (HIV/AIDS Awareness Package) attempts to remove the stigma and discrimination connected with AIDS.

Children from five states of India (Delhi, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh) participated in the development of HAAP. They came from diverse backgrounds, and included school going and non-school going as well as, urban and rural children, orphans, children of commercial sex workers, children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. All these children were actively involved in the development of HAAP through a series of residential workshops.

Puppetry, comics and films form the key components of this package as these mediums not only interest the children but the community at large as well. HAAP Package has been prepared and designed in four different languages (English, Hindi, Kannada and Telugu) to reach out to the community members spread across different geographical regions of India. It has a variety of exciting tools that utilize the strengths of both traditional and electronic media. The package has been developed with, by, and for children during a series of capacity building workshops. The development process was guided by a core technical team with representatives from National Aids Control Organization (NACO), DFID, UNAIDS, INP+, individual experts and Plan.

HAAP has been designed to overcome the stigma through spread of proper knowledge. The package contains Information Education and Communication (IEC) material in the form of puppets, comics, computer games, an animation film and a multi-media CD-Rom. As a logical follow up to the development of HAAP, Plan in partnership with its NGO partners organized a series of dissemination meetings at the community level in 20 locations in five project states. The children who had earlier participated in HAAP development also took the lead in demonstrating the HAAP tools at community meetings. The follow up discussion with participants in these meetings demonstrated the community’s endorsement and validation of HAAP.

The project is not an end in itself, but marks the initiation of a larger child focused intervention programme of Plan in India. Plan with its strong presence, and a wide NGO partners’ network in India, is well positioned to take HAAP to the wider audience base in other states and districts across India.
ProducerMs. Bhagyashri Dengle

Plan India


011 – 26741914

Cross Media

Hindi, Telugu, Kannada and English sub-titled

Kerala Education Grid

Product Description
Kerala Education Grid proposes to launch full courses support for the engineering colleges in the different subjects as made available by the efforts under NPTEL and those of IIITM-K. It plans to launch jointly with NPTEL similar initiative at the national level to provide Education Grid method of supporting NPTEL content delivery for the engineering colleges.

The funds are expected from organizations like the UGC to develop and deploy advanced IT and computational infrastructure for computation intensive subject area and make them available for the college education and research purposes. It will continue to conduct regular short course and training for college teachers and encourage other universities and colleges to take similar initiatives. The project is closely working with ERNET and ISRO-EDUSAT to ensure that the network infrastructure and services management are coherently managed.

ICT has immense potential in delivery of quality education. Through viable broadband and educational satellite services network, Kerala Grid would link the member colleges and institutions in association with ERNET, EDUSAT and State Wide Area Network. It would establish key resource centres in premier institutions of Kerala, and develop and deploy in all participating colleges web enabled rich courseware and course content in different subjects. In addition, it would conduct teacher training programmes, workshops and conferences that help promote the quality of higher education and education enabled services in different courses, digital library and related areas across the colleges.
Prof. K R Srivathsan
Ajith Kumar
R Gangadharan

Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management-Kerala


0471 – 2700965

Cross Media


College to Career Program

Product Description
College to career programme is to impart computer education comprising latest IT technologies to college students. Initiated by the Government of Gujarat in collaboration with Microsoft and TCS, the programme aims to train people to match the needs of the industry.

The course covers Java and .Net technologies. At the end of the training programme, an online test is conducted through a third party and the successful participants are awarded Microsoft-Government of Gujarat and Tata Consultancy Services-Government of Gujarat co branded certificates. Microsoft and TCS have designed a capsule course on .NET technology and SDLC-Core Java Technology. The instructor share theoretical concepts but more emphasis is placed on sharing relevant experiences so that students are exposed to real life scenarios. They have also conducted an orientation session for soft skills.

Every college in Gujarat enroll students for interactive learning. Average registration per college is about 150-200 students. The course content is delivered by experts from Microsoft and TCS through SATCOM. Live question hour to remove doubts and answer queries is conducted through phone, fax and e-mail. Off-line interactions with the faculty take place through e-mails. Repeat transmission of these programmes take care of the students who may miss a particular session, which also resolves the conflicting time schedules of academic colleges and SATCOM.

ICT has immense possibilities in raising employable skills of youth without any trouble of shifting to big cities and bearing expenses disproportionate to their incomes. Apart from the flexibility, it assures quality of the content delivered at students’ door step.

The project demonstrates that the government can play a pivotal role in raising knowledge and skills of a society in tune with global standards, which in turn raises the standards of living. The private companies are eager to play their bit if the government takes the lead. The learning from the project holds possibility of replication in other states.

<< The project demonstrates that the government can play a pivotal role in raising knowledge and skills of a society. >>

Raj Kumar , IAS
Science & Technology Department, Gujarat Government


079 – 23259999

Cross Media


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