Inclusion & Empowerment
| diversity | gender | justice | human rights |

This category supports and encourages the opportunities to share and promote affordable ICTs that allow People With Disabilities (PWDs) to access information and knowledge, and participate fully in society. It also helps in identifying & understanding the needs of persons with specific disabilities (or combinations of disabilities), and undertaking R&D activities for technologies or devices…

Business & Commerce
| innovative services | security | finance | marketing

This category recognizes applications that seek to achieve efficiencies in business processes and creating new business models in e-commerce. It supports and optimises business processes across business-to-business and business to consumers. E-business will recognise entrepreneurs who use new media to innovate business opportunities and practices. Financial inclusion will seek to reward best efforts in the…

Smart Settlements & Urbanization
| mobility |productive work | sustainable living

This category recognises the use of digital interventions that support mobility, crowdsourcing urban data and sharing information, sustainable living applications, smart cities and work environment applications. If your ICT solutions helping economic productivity; is a cause for employment and decent work for all women and men persons with disabilities; enhance safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable…

Culture & Tourism heritage
| entertainment | subcultures

This category recognizes the contribution in fields of culture and heritage through literature, music, visual arts, design, architecture or crafts etc using ICT tools. It also includes projects promoting cultural and knowledge exchanges between different cultures. It also supports efforts to preserve and present cultural heritage in line with the challenges of the future demonstrating…

Environment & Green Energy climate
| sustainable resources | agriculture

This category recognises contributions made by individuals, institutions, organisations, government agencies and enterprises in the field of agriculture. It is a platform for best agricultural practices serving a larger community. It recognises e-content in environmental excellence in Asian countries. This category will also consider individuals, business, and organisations that have shown leadership, innovation, or extraordinary…

Learning & Education
| knowledge | science | skills

This category recognises the use of ICT tools such as digital applications, digital devices or social media in achieving excellence in education and learning at various levels such as schools, colleges, universities, and vocation. It recognises efficient education processes which use ICT to generate occupation opportunities at all levels.This category recognises the use of ICT…

Health & Well Being
| medical care | sport | lifestyle

E-health category identifies applications and initiatives that provide healthcare solutions through ICT and digital tools. For example, consumer-centred models of health care where stakeholders collaborate, utilise Information Communication Technology, and/or include Internet technologies to manage the overall health care system. It also considers mobile healthcare services, health awareness services and remote diagnosis solutions. Initiatives from…

Government & Citizen Engagement
| services | open data | democratic participation

This category recognises good governance through efficient system and transparency. It identifies ventures which deliver content rich solutions from administrations to the public including individuals, businesses and organisations and to significantly improve service delivery and quality as well as democratic processes; strengthen public policies, foster efficiency of information exchange, increase transparency and facilitate participation of…