e-Learning, 2009

e-Learning, 2009 VIDUNENA.LK / FELIDAE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The educational scenario in Sri Lanka is undergoing many changes and with the rapid spread of the Internet, Vidunena comes as a course which is a special tutorial content in Sinhala language over the World Wide Web. Vidunena is a web based system designed and developed for the…

m-Content, 2009

m-Content, 2009 POCKET TRAVEL ASSISTANT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION If one is frequent traveller and of course possesses a mobile, the name Mobilewish perhaps signifies what every mobile user wishes from the gadget. The easily downlodable application PTA or Personal Travel Assistant could be his/her guide in an unknown place. The PTA encompasses all the information any…

e-Science & Environment, 2009

e-Science & Environment, 2009 SAVE THE HILLS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SaveTheHills (STH) is a registered Kalimpong based NGO working towards raising awareness about landslides in the Darjeeling / Sikkim Himalayas. After its inception in September 2007, STH took up the challenge of sensitizing the affected communities, government and media to this hazard utilizing the tremendous power…

e-News, 2009

e-News, 2009 GROUNDVIEWS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Groundviews was launched in November 2006 and is the first citizen journalism website in Sri Lanka. The central idea was to use a blog to publish compelling content in the form of text, audio, video and photos in English, Sinhala and Tamil. The strategy was to raise awareness of the…

e-Localisation, 2009

e-Localisation, 2009 CHHATTISGARHI KDE 4.2 PROGRAM SUIT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION KDE Chhattisgarhi is a localization project – aimed to remove digital divide from native Chhattisgarhi speaking people of Chhattisgarh. More than 1oo,ooo strings of KDE 4.2 had been translated in to Chhattisgarhi. Now Chhattisgarhi Localized applications are available for Linux / Unix / Windows and Mac.…